NEE Controls Ltd Case Study

NEEE Controls Ltd is a company that has just gone through a major change and without the advice, assistance and services of WEEE would have been significantly impacted by not having a WEEE policy.

In late 2005 Weeeco was called in by NEE Controls Ltd who wanted to understand the issues arising from WEEE produced as a result of the pending closure of their manufacturing operation planned for April 2006. The operations Director was keen to take a responsible attitude towards the disposal of the many items of WEEE the factory closure would produce.

Weeeco quickly established that the company would benefit by introducing a temporary WEEE collection point at the factory. Weeeco provided a number of containers that where colour coded into five different waste streams. Weeeco then delivered an induction session for the staff responsible for sorting the end of life WEEE ready for removal. By understanding the principles of WEEE streaming and breaking the WEE items into the appropriate containers NEE Controls reduced the cost of disposal and where even able to break down items to provide two additional streams of plastics and metal which were cost neutral.

NEE controls have now moved to there new offices where Weeeco continue to provide a pro active WEEE policy which is suitable for an organisation that is not producing any significant volume. However, they have the peace of mind that the WEEE they do produce is dealt with a service that has Environmental Sustainability, Social Responsibility and Costs Effectiveness.

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